Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (442 - 444 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3428 Fixed Typo: langUge instead of LangUAge Sbgodin

In [Preferences]/[Interface] The language selection contains the word languge instead of language.

A short search led to :

#91 WorksForMe deluge crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast() markybob savvas

Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 alpha.
deluge-torrent was in the background, I don't know what came over it.
I hope the attached files will help, it's the crash report from apport, but since it's huge, i've removed the core dump.

#844 Fixed deluged segmentation fault andar

deluged started segfaulting recently. I did not do anything unusual that might have triggered this, apart from starting to download many (a few dozens) torrents.

I have a core dump but I have no idea what whether it is useful with python.

log file does not have any suspicious messages.

Don't know whether it's related or not, but it also segfaults when I try to remove the attached torrent.

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