Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (445 - 447 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1246 Fixed With every restart deluge loses some torrent label's simonbcn

With every restart of deluged daemon, most of my torrents lose the label.
Deluge have 96 torrents now:
The labels associated to one tracker still work (54).
6 torrents still conserve their correct label.
26 torrents lose the label.
Moreover, these torrents are old and new. There isn't a rule that explain this bug.
It was a very bad idea to use the version of deluge in development.

#1249 Duplicate Progress bar on top of column headers naikoto

See screenshot.

Xubuntu 9.10 Version: 1.2.3-2~karmic~ppa1

#1250 Error "file too short: " simonbcn

Often, some torrents shows the error "file too short:".
Generally if I force a recheck this is solved.

Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.