Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (445 - 447 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2483 Duplicate [WebUI] Support for icons in webui pluginmanager Luis Omar Alvarez Mures

Right now there is no way to access icons that belong to plugins from the webUI. The webUI pluginmanager should make them available for the plugins' webUI.

#2488 Duplicate Deluge 1.3.7 at Windows not support unicode symbols in path when open torrent from explorer strelokac

When open *.torrent file in explorer from has unicode symbol path, Deluge take error...

#2489 Duplicate Deluge 1.3.7 at Windows cannot choose GUI display language strelokac

Deluge 1.3.7 at Windows havent option for choose GUI language, program use windows language option, but some time it not so convenient.

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