Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1095 WorksForMe Incorrect torrent creation andar XChesser

Deluge creates torrent files incorrectly in case of piece size of 1/2/4 MB. For example, torrent file for 8 GB release turns out about 40 MB (at 2 MB size). After creating torrent Deluge often crashes.

#1101 Duplicate Autocheck on startup XChesser

On startup Deluge always checks availability of files that refer torrents in list and, if it doesn't find them, it resets torrent status to 0%. It happens even if torrent is paused. While most of my downloads are located in the ext. HDD I have to connect hard drive every time I start Deluge. If I forget doing it Deluge mark them as new (0% done) and I have to recheck all "external" torrents at the next time. It would be grateful to cancel autocheck of paused torrents or to add new option for deactivating autocheck to GUI.

#1107 "Start" button stays disabled if pausing while checking XChesser

If I pause torrent while rechecking, 'Start' button in toolbar stays unavailable (and 'Pause' button available on the contrary). Buttons in the menu are available and work as expected.

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