Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#305 WontFix Window does not restore to maximized state, if you restore it from minimized state markybob

On Windows when you have the main window open and maximized (stretched to the whole screen) and you press the minimize button, and then you try to restore the window by pressing its button on the taskbar, it restores but it is not maximized, only similar in size.

#2068 Invalid Window crash when reorganize the table toniboni88

I've Deluge 1.3.4 with Ubuntu 11.04. When I try riorganize the table (speed, ratio, peers, filename, ecc) the Gtkui closes by itself. When I get back and try to rearrange the table is closed again.

#2760 WontFix [win32] Use winsound instead of pygame for notification sound Calum

Having pygame dependency for just playing sounds seems rather over the top and searching around found that on windows we can use a standard winsound module. Will still need an elegant solution for linux and osx.

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