Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (451 - 453 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#896 Fixed Bug in move functionality deleted souce file without moving markybob mitaru

If a location to move completed downloads is specified in the preferences, and a file name with the same name of the downloaded file exists in the new location already, deluge will delete the newly downloaded file regardless of the status or size of the file already in the destination location.

#897 Fixed Command line interface broken in binary distribution [fix included] sadrul greeklegend

Problem: I'm on windows, so i downloaded the binary-only distribution of 1.1.6. It contains only .pyc bytecode files, no .py files. However, the command line interface is only searching for commands in the \commands folder with an extention of .py This is fixed by changing the function load_commands() in deluge\ui\console\ I'll attach it. Basically, I just changed the constraints on what filenames will be added to the list of valid commands to allow .pyc files and removed the assumption that removing the last 3 characters from the filename removes the entire extention, including the .

Sorry I don't know how to use svn or anything, excuse and ignore me if this has already been fixed :)

Also, the console output looks horrible on windows (lots of random symbols). I assume this is because it's expecting readline, which interprets these properly?

#899 Fixed using ~ in console is used literally not as home folder andar

first time using deluge console, i ran:

>>> connect
>>> add -p ~/downloads/ ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent

which worked, but it saved as /home/<me>/~/downloads/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso literally. it might have caused problems, as the info command didn't show it (most of the time) and there were exceptions. unfortunately now it is finished downloading and i don't have the error output, and it is showing up fine in the info output.

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