Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (451 - 453 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2822 Duplicate core renato

Not loading

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/bin/deluge", line 9, in <module>

load_entry_point('deluge', 'gui_scripts', 'deluge')()

File "/media/disk/deluge/deluge/ui/", line 57, in start_ui

options = parser.parse_args(deluge.common.unicode_argv()[1:])

File "/media/disk/deluge/deluge/ui/", line 150, in parse_args

if self.process_group:

AttributeError: 'BaseArgParser' object has no attribute 'process_group'

#2473 Duplicate [Core] Add torrent from url via proxy Doadin

Something i noticed today is a feature we should add thats new(i think) is the gettting torrent from url should use proxy settings.

#2173 Invalid Core freezes under heavy load underscor

Hi guys,

Not quite sure what would be a good way to provide supporting information to help diagnose this, but please let me know what I can run/give you.

Deluge pretty often will enter a state of "not-answering" under heavy load. This usually happens when downloading at ~>15MB/s. It will suddenly stop writing to disk, and stop responding to api probes. Any ideas on what I can do to help figure out why this is occuring?

(We've ( been using it to fetch large amounts of data via bittorrent, and it's been working awesomely, aside from a few issues handling high-volume downloads as per above. Thanks for such a great project. =) )

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