Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (454 - 456 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1264 Duplicate "stop seed at ratio" doesn't work for partially downloaded torrents 3l3nril

When I add torrent and set some files not to be downloaded, deluge still seeds as if I had downloaded whole torrent.

For example: I add torrent with 100MB of files but set 50 MB of those files not to be downloaded and set "stop seed at ratio" to 1.0. Deluge download those files, and then seeds until 100MB is uploaded, then stops with seed ration 2.0.

#1265 Sometimes to change options to individual torrent doesn't work simonbcn

deluged in server + GtkUI remote in local.

Sometimes, generally when Internet connection is slow, I change some option to one torrent (speed, max. ratio, etc...), but if after I select other torrent, that change isn't applied.
In this cases, I must repeat the operation and wait several seconds before change the torrent.

#1266 Duplicate Torrents with errors don't update the tracker simonbcn

When a torrent has one "Tracker status" with error, that torrent don't update the tracker status never more.
I have to force an update pausing the torrent and resume again.
I have had several torrent with tracker status like "connection timed out" or "Internal server error" for days until I have restarted the torrent.

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