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Results (454 - 456 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1221 Fixed 'Core' object has no attribute '_timer' simonbcn
[ERROR   ] 19:53:04 init:50 Unable to enable plugin!
[ERROR   ] 19:53:04 init:51 'Core' object has no attribute '_timer'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/deluge-1.2.1-py2.6.egg/deluge/plugins/", line 48, in enable
  File "build/bdist.linux-i686/egg/freespace/", line 76, in enable
    if not self._timer:
AttributeError: 'Core' object has no attribute '_timer'

The folder has the name deluge-1.2.1 but it's deluge git version.

#353 Fixed core should check parameter types andar Damien Churchill

Currently the core will accept any type as a procedure parameter which can break the state by setting a config value as an incorrect type.

#1974 Fixed Core shouldn't have to know about the clients in advance jumentous

So, #1971, #1972, #1973 are bugs that were discovered in the trying to fix this point.

I am looking at adding a new UI to deluge, and in the process noticed that the core currently matches the chosen UI and launches the appropriate client. This makes it impossible to add a client developed out of the deluge tree.

This patch modifies setup to export the UI classes as entry points and load the entry point for the class. Details for this method can be found here: and

Note that it doesn't actually do a find_plugins yet, it's just moving towards it.

Now i realize that there is already a plugin format for deluge however i thought this more appropriate for something that will be relatively static and can be deployed by rpm/deb.

Obviously, comments/revisions are encouraged.

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