Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (457 - 459 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1270 WorksForMe Sometimes gtkUI doesn't show correctly the torrent list for a category simonbcn

deluge-gtk + deluged in remote (git updated last night)
I open deluge-gtk, it shows category "All" with his torrents correctly. I change the category but the list isn't refreshed.
I have to close and reopen deluge-gtk for this works well.
This doesn't always happen.

#1273 Duplicate deluge-gtk doesn't save the width's columns at exit simonbcn

I change the width of name column, I restart deluge-gtk and the name column has the original width, not modified.

#1276 Invalid GTK# stops Deluge starting smog

Deluge past 1.21 won't start if you have GTK# (aka GTKSharp) installed. I uninstalled GTK# and Deluge would start, but now I can't use other apps that require GTK#.

OS: Win 7 Pro x64

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