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Results (457 - 459 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2791 Duplicate fails opening magnet links (via CTRL+O, command line or browser integration) MarcosRamirez


First of all:

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS
Release:  14.04
Codename: trusty

Problem is, i try to configure to manage magnet links with Chrome:

gvfs-mime --set x-scheme-handler/magnet deluge.desktop

and seems to deluged gets opened, but, does nothing

gvfs-mime --set x-scheme-handler/magnet deluge.desktop

Then, i tune /usr/share/applications/deluge.desktop file but no one of this works:

Exec=deluge %U
Exec=deluge "%U"
Exec=deluge %s
Exec=deluge "%s"
Exec=deluge-gtk %U
Exec=deluge-gtk "%U"
Exec=deluge-gtk %s
Exec=deluge-gtk "%s"

Then, i try to run it manually from the console:

$ deluge "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:mvlzouqb5jqfhqlktgnaortday5ihzbb&"

With same result, seems like's deluged get called, but nothing added (see screenshot)

Then i try to add it via "ctrl+o", but, does nothin... and i get blocked here...

deluge.log gets no oputput (i do a tail -f when trying, and get nothing)

Dunno wha more can i do.

P.S. I attach via google drive because if i check "i have files to attach, i get an error, maybe i report this error later too :))

#2794 Duplicate hostlist.conf not created WoJWoJ

deluged and deluge-web 1.3.12-0~trusty~ppa1 on Ubuntu 14.02

The hostlist.conf file is not present at any time (during deluged or deluge-web run, or after they are closed) in ~/.config/deluge.

Other config files exist and deluged works otherwise fine. The main problem is the lack of knowledge about the ID which must be used for the default server to connect in web.conf (is there a way to extract this ID form somewhere else?)

#2803 Duplicate web ui renato

Web ui not working transdroid is OK . But the Web ui page is empty .. port 8112 connects but nothing showing in that page.

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