Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (457 - 459 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#879 Invalid Upnp forwards aren't closed on exit andar Nick

After exiting Deluge, the upnp forwards in the router remain open. I went into my router one day to fine about 20 forwards left open from Deluge that I had to manually remove. I've tested some other applications that use upnp and they don't seem to have a problem closing their forwards, so I don't think it's a firmware problem. I've also been able to reproduce this on the stock Linksys firmware that came with the router as well as DD-wrt which is what I'm using now.

Using Deluge 1.1.6 on Ubuntu 9.04

#881 Fixed update() method of core plugins isn't called andar

The update method of a core plugins is only called once when the plugin is enabled, but not every seconds as it is the case for webui and gtkui plugins.

#882 Fixed deluged (ver 1.1.5 and later) crashes on linux andar

# /usr/bin/deluged -d

[... a second of waiting ...]

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'

what(): basic_string::substr


tried to remove ~/.config/deluge, does not make any difference however works with 1.1.3 and 1.1.4

Batch Modify
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