Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (466 - 468 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2275 Invalid Deluge forgot new names of renamed folders after restart, if such folder wasn't available while deluged launch RussianNeuroMancer

Looks like I have combination of two issues here: #605 and #1211.

In my case deluged get access to storage (just Linux with NFS server) with downloaded files via NFSv4. After restarting VM with deluged (deluged start is delayed for 120 seconds by upstart script, but this doesn't help) is probably trying to open too many files and fail - in result deluged starting to redownload around 70-80 torrents (it's 100% reproducible, but I can't find any related error messages in deluged logs, nor in VM syslog, nor in storage syslog). Moreover torrents that include renamed folder begin redownloaded with old folder name, that written inside torrent.

Please let me know, if I need to provide additional information.

#1646 Fixed Add columns for per torrent upload and download speed limits Calum Rune K. Svendsen

This small patch adds two columns to the torrent view called "Down Limit" and "Up Limit", which, respectively, display the download speed limit and upload speed limit for each torrent.

#3138 Invalid Avoid reporting transfer to tracker Rudolph

The bug enables users to avoid reporting transfers, but still be able to fetch files from private trackers. I do not want to post specifics, as it'll require private trackers to ban Deluge until it is fixed. Please contact me on registered email or PM me on the forum, and I'll give the specifics.

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