Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (466 - 468 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2871 Duplicate Renamed some of the folders I download to. Could not change download target and resume. Changed folder names back. Now almost all torrents have errors William

The headline says the most. I was reorganizing my download folders by changing their names. I expected that changing the download path in deluge-web would help, and it seemed to do that, but when I checked the "checking" queue, nothing was moving around at all. Then I stopped the deluge service, changed the folder names back to their original names, and now almost all torrents are failing without any help from changing download directory or re-checking the torrents. It's simply stuck at 0% all the time now.

I have made sure the permissions are correct, both owner and group (deluge) can write and read to the relevant folders.

Please, how can I fix this?

Or maybe this is the last nudge over to rtorrent...

#2872 Duplicate Resume All slumbergod

Since the update to 1.3.13 the behaviour of RESUME ALL from right right click context menu in the notification area (Xubuntu 16.04) has changed.

If a torrent has been added in PAUSED state, or an existing torrent has been manually paused, selecting RESUME ALL has no effect on them.

Has anyone else noticed this behaviour?

#2874 Duplicate console-ui update trackers ElevatorChamp

Link to another ticket (5 years ago) regarding the same thing:

Commit that supposedly implemented it:

Yet it is not a command in deluge-console. I would very much like this command back as it would allow me to finish my script more elegantly (instead of having to pause all torrents then resume them).

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