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Results (469 - 471 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2431 Fixed deluged doesn't shutdown cleanly with hundreds of torrents rsully

This happened once a couple months ago, and again today.

Issuing a pkill deluged does not shutdown deluged. Instead I get a log message like so:

[INFO    ] 11:39:25 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..

This is after a few weeks of deluged running non-stop, with hundreds of files.

#2390 WorksForMe Deluged Crash Upon Adding Torrent rschwiet

Using the Deluge Daemon on a Odroid XU running Jessie Debian. Some torrents were working fine, but when adding torrents now (no software changes just new torrents), the daemon according to the "top" command will still be running, however the client cannot connect to the daemon after the torrent was added. The Daemon can not be killed with pkill or kill, restarting the machine and deluged yields no paused downloads. Below is the last few entries of the debug logs.

#17 Invalid Bug: with Deluge on XP pro

Delude was up and running with 2 torrents seeding (from Ilovetorrents) and uploading intermitently, these have been running for over 24hrs. When trying to load another torrent the client crashed,the only thing you could do with it was minimise/restore. The only way I could then close Deluge was to "end process" via the Task Manager! Upon reloading the new torrent the client restarted ok,accepted the torrent and resumed the original 2 torrents. This has happened several times.

XP pro Sp2, 512 ram,celeron 2.6gz overclocked to 3.2gz,128gb Nvidia Geforce FX5900XT. Hope this is enough info.

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