Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (472 - 474 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2415 Invalid Input-output ERROR on incomplete downloads after restarting deluge rpgmaker

If I close Deluge (1.3.6) then start Deluge again (Full close, ie: File-->Close) when I restart Deluge any torrents which have not completed will attempt to resume. Most often, any resumed torrents will go to "Error" status. Details say "Input/output error". Doing a "force recheck" on the torrent fixes the error status and "pauses" the torrent at the end of rechecking, after that I can resume downloading the torrent without problems but it is very annoying since I have to almost always close deluge before big downloads are finished, and the longer the download, the bigger the time to wait for the rechecking to be done. Given this I can't just start deluge and leave... I have to wait to see if the error happens, then recheck, then wait for the recheck to finish and then click resume the download.

I mostly download files to an external NTFS hdd but it also happens on ext4 because at first I thought that was the issue and downloaded a couple of files to ext4 and the error still occurred.

Someone suggested to put downloads in full allocation mode instead of compact allocation as a workaround on ticket: but I haven't tested it yet.

#2233 WontFix Deluge client assumes uses local file system when connected to server over ssh tunnel rpglover64

I am using Deluge 1.3.5 with libtorrent for the gtk frontend as well as for the server backend.

If I use ssh -L 58846:localhost:58846 server to forward the deluge port and connect to the server's deluged process with the gtk frontend, and then try to set the download directory, it lets me browse the directory tree on the client, not on the server.

Worse, it the download directory that has been set does not exist on the client, the client changes it.

#2890 Fixed Update Info.plist of latest version roratonet

File Info.plist of version 1.3.13 contains the strings

<key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key> <string>1.3.12</string> <key>CFBundleVersion</key> <string>1.3.12</string> <key>CFBundleGetInfoString</key> <string>1.3.12 (c) 2008-2015 Deluge Team</string>

who should be updated to the latest version 1.3.13, as it won't download the latest with Munki, FileWave and whatsoever.


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