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Results (46 - 48 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#817 Fixed EMail Notification fails to substitute format strings andar AlexanderS

Hi, today I tried the EMail Notification and got a Mail like this:

This email is to inform you that Deluge has finished downloading %s ,             which includes %i files.
To stop receiving these alerts, simply turn off             email notification in Deluge's preferences.

Thank you,

I think that the %s and %i should be substitut by the real value. Attached is a patch to fix this problem.


#827 Invalid directory not found if connecting to a remote daemon over SSH andar AlexanderS

If connecting to a remove daemon over ssh tunner (aka connecting to localhost, that is forewarded) the gtkui does not notice that the connection is remote. So it shows the folder select box in the torrent properties (not possible to select folder that on the local box does not exists) and raises error messages if the target folder of torrents not found on the local maschine.

It should act like if conneceted direktly to the remote server.

#1226 Fixed Allow to use certificate chains for webinterface Damien Churchill AlexanderS

Hi, if your web server certificate requires an intermediate certificate you have to use a certificate chain file. The attached patch enables that functionality.

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