Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (478 - 480 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#948 Fixed Deluge not properly checking version markybob

Not quite sure if this is a windows only bug as my linux client still hasn't been upgraded to 1.1.8 (Waiting on the .deb update), but when a client of an updated version connects to a daemon of another, outdated, version, it will still be prompted with a notification box about a new update. (I.E. "Upgrade from 1.1.8 to 1.1.8")

#949 Fixed 1.1.8' GtkUI cannot parse one torrent but 1.1.7's GtkUI can do it. andar ankouslash

Deluge 1.1.8 GtkUI cannot parse attached torrent (Nothing displayed in Add torrents dialog) but 1.1.7 can do it.

Platform: Linux python-cahrdet version 1.0.1

#950 Fixed renaming torrent folder with / in name andar

I just found that I can rename files in torrent (changelog of 1.1.8) and while playing with it, I find some strange behaviors. two examples:

1 - when renaming a folder in a torrent adding a / in it (eg from 'Artist - Album' to 'Artist/Album') in the filesytem, everything is ok, but the Files panel in the gtkUI isn't updated properly. I need to close and open it again.

2 - If I have in a torrent: Folder/file.ext and I want to have only 'file.ext', I rename 'Folder' to or '/', it's once again ok on filesystem but not on GTKUI, restarting it show the file in a folder '/'

and now a suggestion: I can move a file 'file.ext' in a folder if I rename it to 'folder/file.ext' but a <new folder> button might be easier to find

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