Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (481 - 483 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3019 Duplicate unable to save proxy info Anunnaki40

it keeps getting deleted when i try to save except the top line. im using windows 7 64 bit.

#3029 Duplicate Selecting certain files for download has major bugs user7

Latest version of Deluge on Windows 10 64bit.

Description of the bug: I don't want to download all files in a torrent, selecting certain files for DO NOT DOWNLOAD - or selecting ALL files for DO NOT DOWNNLOAD then setting the files you want to download for NORMAL PRIORITY may trigger setting ALL files as NORMAL PRIORITY. I've tried this process multiple times and NO the root folder is not selected when making the selection.

#3036 Duplicate Deluge automatically starts loading all episodes even when only one specific episode is selected Novosedoff

Hi there,

I've noticed that Deluge automatically starts loading all episodes of a new series even when only one specific episode is selected. So basically it ignores the selection checks. I can share the video demonstrating this unusual behavior, so the development team can re-check.


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