Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (484 - 486 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1317 Invalid Queue line change doesn't work legendario

Trying to change the torrent position in the line doesn't make any change. Neither in the tool bar arrows or clicking on the file with right mouse button.

Using 1.2.2-2 version under ubuntu Lucid Lynx

#1318 Deluge forgets some label data simonbcn

I have a label: "anime". The other day I have added several trackers to this label, it saved it well but when I opened Deluge more later the trackers was vanished. The checkbox was checked but in the list of trackers there was the example text, similar to this (I don't remember exactly):

tracker 1
tracker 2

I writed the tracker list again and so far, it hasn't been deleted.

But now I have vanished the download folder for this label!!!

#1320 WorksForMe "Update tracker" option doesn't work simonbcn

I have installed deluged with libtorrent v0.15
I am receiving much more tracker errors, more than libtorrent v0.14.10. I have reported it to libtorrent developer: Issue 90: Much tracker errors with v0.15 But when I select, in Deluge-gtk pop-up menu, the option "update tracker", it does nothing. Other torrents, from same trackers at same time, work well.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.