Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (484 - 486 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#914 WontFix Shutdown andar

Hi there from Romania, I'm new to ubuntu and Linux word and I'm using Deluge to download some other Linux ISO. I search in preferences and plugins for something that can automatically shut down my Ubuntu when the download complete. Is there something like that and I didn't found it ? Thanks in advance.

#915 Fixed Add one torrent to gtk UI but it's not shown in the list andar simonbcn

Deluge daemon in a server, I connect with it from gtk UI in PC local.
When I add one torrent to daemon, from gtk UI in local, the torrent is added, the number of torrents in tracker list is incremented but the torrent is not shown in the torrent list.
If I close the gtk UI and I open again, then yes, it listed.

I attached an image with the torrent added but not shown.

#916 Fixed plugin "label" fails with url tracker andar simonbcn

The plugin "label" doesn't works well.
I have severals labels with trackers url associated, when I add a torrent from that trackers, the torrent is added without label.
The sames labels, in version 1.1.7, worked well.

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