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Results (487 - 489 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#917 gtkui can't connect to localhost andar simonbcn

deluged working in server.
I can connect from remote with gtkui, but when I try to connect to daemon in server with gtkui, I can't. ???
No error, in log simply it shows this:

[INFO    ] 04:08:54 rpcserver:170 Deluge Client connection made from:
[INFO    ] 04:08:54 rpcserver:189 Deluge client disconnected: Connection was closed cleanly.

Apparently it connects and disconnects immediately, but in the gtkui I do not see anything.

#918 Fixed deluge doesn't save preferences andar simonbcn

deluge gtkui svn version, installed from sources in ubuntu 8.04, doesn't save the preferences when I press Accept in dialog preferences.

#919 Fixed WebUI links have unwanted spaces andar

Going to http://localhost:8112 redirects to http://localhost/%20/index

Some other links on the page also link to URLs with unwanted spaces, eg. http://localhost/%20/login . Manually correcting the URL (removing a space and a slash) gives a valid URL.

Using Windows v1.1.7

Thanx, Bob Jonkman

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