Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (490 - 492 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2832 Fixed log error with blank lines in auth file Calum ricksebak

If you put comments in the deluge auth file, it will cause "ERROR ] 15:14:31 common:428 Your auth file is malformed: Incorrect number of fields!". Deluge, and the auth file, otherwise works fine despite the error.

My use case is to deploy deluge via chef, so I leave a reminder to myself when a file is managed by chef (local changes would be overridden). Although deluge works fine even with comments, it would be nice if it could ignore them without producing this error.

# /var/lib/deluge/.config/deluge/auth
# Generated by Chef for myhostname


#1046 Fixed Auto managed setting does not get set from the WebUI Damien Churchill RichGuk

The auto managed option in the WebUI is not getting update correctly.

It appears that in set_options the function for setting the auto managed setting should have the key is_auto_managed and not auto_managed.

I've attached a patch.

#971 Invalid how to upload to torrent flux markybob richard william munden

Deluge have made it hard to upload to torrent flux when i was using utorrent all i did was browse from torrent flux to my computer c\documents and settings\my name\application data\utorrent then double click the file i wanted to upload to torrent flux and that was it simple but how do i do this with deluge.I need a client thats easy to upload to my seed box and i rather use deluge than utorrent.

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