Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (493 - 495 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#924 Duplicate Deluge generate a huge number of XPropertyEvent andar

I am using Ubuntu Jaunty. This problem appears several days ago after I upgrade deluge to version 1.1.7 from launchpad PPA. It seems that deluge generate more than 600 XPropertyEvent every second, and my windows manager (dwm) becomes busy handling those events and eat all CPU.

#925 Invalid [win32] Broken i18n andar alex3d

Untranslated strings are shown in some gui parts however these strings have translations in .mo files (in linux these gui parts are translated correctly). Untranslated parts: "add torrents" dialog, preferences dialog, state\tracker sidebar, etc.

#926 Duplicate [PATCH] Add support for boost 1.37 andar Alex Dedul

This simple patch adds support for boost 1.37.

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