Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (493 - 495 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1094 Fixed Create and label keyboard shortcuts for GTK UI Ghent Ghent

Create and label keyboard shortcuts for common commands in the GTK UI interface.

#3370 Fixed Create discord channel jools772

We need a better forum to speak with other developers, nobody uses irc anymore and this forum is not active enough. Can we create a discord channel so that those who have time and energy can coordinate their work?

#2811 Invalid creates plugin with bug haydent

per this investigation here:

If i follow the guide here: and create the plugin template, the compiled plugin runs fine on first activation but on program relaunch deluge fails with this error log attached.

Im running classic mode under windows 7, i have tried compiling under linux or windows with same result.

I can get it to not make the error by setting up and plugin dir structure the way another plugin i found does, as it does not have this problem.

I have attached screenshot of difference between with working one on right and problem one on left. The code for these can be found at the forum post above.

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