Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (496 - 498 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#927 Fixed [PATCH] Add support for boost 1.37 andar Plisk

This simple patch adds support for boost 1.37.

#928 WontFix deluge produces zombie process with link in about window andar Hew


When a new browser process is started by clicking on the link in the about window, it is not harvested after it exits. [gnome-open] remains in the process list as zombie/defunct until deluge exits too.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. launch deluge
  2. open the about window by selecting help/about in the menu bar of deluge
  3. click on the url shown

deluge launches gnome-open which starts the browser. the problem is, that gnome-open is not reaped, leaving it in the process table as defunct process: 27440 ? Sl 0:02 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/deluge 27478 ? Zs 0:00 \_ [gnome-open] <defunct>

#929 WorksForMe deluge opens link in about window twice andar Hew

When clicking the link in the about window, the Deluge homepage is opened twice as it appears in two firefox tabs.

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