Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (499 - 501 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1348 Invalid Periodic IPFilter updates gav616

Periodically update your mirrors from the Bluetacks filters. once a week maybe?

They currently seem to be never up-to-date.

#1349 Fixed deluge-gtk side panel drawn incorrectly when using specific GTK+ themes lexa2

deluge-gtk draw side panel as GtkTreeView inside GtkScrolledWindow.
To make items like "All", "Seeding", "Active" not indented too far to the left it sets GtkTreeView->level-indentation to -35 which violates GTK+ requirements (as described at and makes side panel prone to the incorrect appearance when GtkTreeView's expander-size style is set to anything lower than default 12 (and generally speaking even with expander-size=12 sidebar looks like being drawn wrong with so-called "compact" themes like "Clearlooks Compact" or "Human Compact").

Graphical "glitch" is that treeview items got placed too far to the left making them crop with the right border of the treeeview (look at the attached screenshot).

Thus GUI results in being drawn wrong when using some perfectly legal gnome themes due to deluge not following GTK+ docs so I consider this to be a bug that require some modifications to the way deluge use to draw side panel.

#1350 WorksForMe deluged crash on "Force recheck" of errored torrent fuzzy

I am able to crash deluged pretty much every time if a torrent goes into error and I force a recheck. If I hit "resume", then it resumes but doesn't crash. Crash output on console if deluged is not put into daemon mode:

python: malloc.c:3951: libc_valloc: Assertion `!p
((((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x2) ar_ptr == (((((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) - 2*(sizeof(size_t)))))->size & 0x4) ? ((heap_info *)((unsigned long)(((mchunkptr)((char*)(p) - 2*(sizeof(size_t))))) & ~((2 * (512 * 1024))-1)))->ar_ptr : &main_arena)' failed.


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