Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (499 - 501 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3351 Fixed rpcserver: dictionary changed size during iteration Bro

This error is reported by a YaRSS2 user:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/ubuntu/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg/yarss2/", line 90, in rssfeed_update_handler_safe                      
    return self.rssfeed_update_handler(rssfeed_key=rssfeed_key, subscription_key=subscription_key)                                                            
  File "/home/ubuntu/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg/yarss2/", line 108, in rssfeed_update_handler                          
  File "/home/ubuntu/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg/yarss2/", line 372, in fetch_feed_torrents                              
    self.fetch_feed(subscription_data, rssfeed_data, fetch_data)
  File "/home/ubuntu/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg/yarss2/", line 407, in fetch_feed                                  "Fetching subscription '%s'." % subscription_data["name"])
  File "/home/ubuntu/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg/yarss2/util/", line 42, in info                                                  
    self.handle_gtkui_log(message, gtkui)
  File "/home/ubuntu/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg/yarss2/util/", line 34, in handle_gtkui_log                                      
  File "/home/ubuntu/.config/deluge/plugins/YaRSS2-2.1.4-py3.7.egg/yarss2/util/", line 61, in gtkui_log_message_event                               
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/core/", line 31, in emit                                                                         
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/deluge/core/", line 541, in emit_event                                                                     
    for session_id, interest in self.factory.interested_events.items():
RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
#3602 Fixed Add torrent dialog removes directory from file tree Bro Bro

When adding a torrent that contains one directory with one file inside, the directory is not included in the tree view. This has been the behavior since the dawn of time, presumable due to the mistaken beleif that the directory was not needed. All other torrent clients include the directory even if there is only one file inside

#2128 WorksForMe Move Storage moves wrong torrents. brooksaar

Using Deluge GTK client 1.3.5 on Windows connected to Deluge Server 1.3.5 on Debian Linux, when moving a completed torrent using the "Move Storage" option Deluge will often copy (not move, the original files are untouched) the wrong torrent.

Screenshot is attached. I asked Deluge GTK Client to move a movie torrent to my Movies folder, instead it copied 3 totally unrelated torrents to the Movies folder.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.