Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (499 - 501 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#987 Fixed Label seed ratio applies to unfinished torrents andar anonymous
  1. Create a label and set it's seed ratio to 1
  1. add new torrent and set it's label to the new label
  1. watch as the torrent pauses before it starts downloading

Expected: seed limit should only apply to torrents being seeded not those still downloading or in queue

Deluge version: 1.1.9

#990 Fixed Setting max upload speed to zero in AJAX WebUI makes it unlimited Damien Churchill

If you set the upload speed to zero (0) one would expect Deluge to completely throttle upload traffic, but instead, setting it to zero removes the limit.

Note that it doesn't say "(-1 KB/s)" on the status bar, it says "(0 KB/s)" instead.

Resolution: Either choosing 0 should limit upload speed completely OR 0 should be an invalid value.

For the record I'm using Deluge 1.1.9 compiled from SVN.

#995 Fixed tracker_icons needs to be rewritten John Garland John Garland

it's ugly and should use twisted rather than urllib. url redirection should be detected not hacked. it should allow for trackers names to be different to their urls. the default / blank icon should be override-able.

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