Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (505 - 507 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1357 Choose torrent state to be set after re-hashing is completed Koroboru

Currently after I rehash some torrent, Deluge begins to seed it if it's complete. It is fine. But if the torrent is incomplete, Deluge immediately starts to download it. This can make some problems in situation, for example, if I set the torrent data location to another file with same name. In this way, the existing file will be spoiled, because it fails hash-check and is immediately overwritten...

So I ask for an option which allow to choose not to start torrent job after re-hashing data.

#1358 Fixed Ability to use 8Mb piece size in "Create Torrent" dialog Lain_13

Currently the one and only real reason why I keep kTorrent is ability to create torrent with piece size equal to 8Mb. I've tried to use various tools and torrent clients for linux but only kTorrent gave me ability to chose 8Mb piece size. Deluge understand torrent-files with such piece size and other modern torrent-clients understand it as well.

I know about reducing efficiency of the swarm but I have few huge (>100Gb) torrents and tracker which don't want to accept too huge torrent-files.

#1359 Torrent file checking stops at x% BlackLotus

After downloading a torrent (not complete),removing it from the list (without removing the data) and adding it again sometimes the torrent doesn't check completely and deluge acknowledges only a partial amount of the downloaded data. Not easily reproduceable.

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