Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (505 - 507 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#937 WontFix Deluge (gtk) stops deamon on exit andar dotblank

When running "deluged" and then "deluge -u gtk" when deluge exits it shuts down deluged. this is not very desirable if you have the web interface running and the host un-expectantly closes deluge.

#938 WontFix [NAT] Friendly peers permanent list andar

Our city net is under NAT (192.168.*.*). Traffic between peers in city are payable, but unpaid inside one house.

We ban all city IPs, but allow in-house IPs.

ISP use shaper therefore global net is slow. But we often download one torrent together (in parts by files). It will be helpfully if we can fill up permanent peer list with our in-house IPs. So we can download torrent faster.

#939 Fixed Menu key doesn't bring up context menu on torrents andar

Pressing the menu key when a torrent is highlighted doesn't activate the context menu that would be activated if you right-clicked.

Noticed that this looks a bit like #891.

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