Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#49 WorksForMe Error on loading markybob

On loading Deluge a splash screen comes up which says "New version go to Deluge site" on clicking 'Yes' the program closes down but doesn't go to the download site. This is the latest update from the repositories. Nice program in use, works well.

#50 Duplicate Internet-Seed-Proxy does not stay active markybob anonymous

When activating an internet-seed-proxy it does not stay activated.

When the menu is left and checked afterwards, the checkbox is greyed out.

The proxy settings are still there, only the proxy checkbox is back to inactive.

#51 Fixed Download progress lost on SIGTERM andar jegHegy

Ever since upgrading to, my downloads get reverted to the state they were in when I started Deluge if it gets closed abruptly (i.e. not File > Quit but a SIGTERM from having a timed shutdown etc.) Say a torrent is at 25% when i start Deluge and it finishes in one session, but a SIGTERM shuts it down. Next time I start it, the download is again at 25%.

Ubuntu 7.10 with all updates, downloading to an ext3 partition, using full allocation.

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