Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (508 - 510 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1362 Fixed Major Memory Leak Oehr

After running Deluge 1.2.3 for a while, all of my RAM was in use...

When i shut down Deluge, it jumped back to only 2GB of 16GB in use:

I also tested Deluge 1.3 RC2. It seems to have the same memory leak, because after only after 3hours, ram usage increased by roughly 1-2GB and is steadily growing... Both Task Manager or Process Explorer don't show which program is using all those GB, but once you shut down deluge, you get most of your ram back.

Disk I/O is always around 7MB/s, so it's easily manageable for the harddrive.

The server is running Windows Server Edition 2008 R2 with latest updates installed.

#1363 WontFix Detect previously used settings in installer when upgrading Torbjörn Lönnemark

It would be nice if previously used settings (magnet link and torrent file association, GTK installation) were detected in the installer when upgrading, and their checkboxes automatically (un)checked.

#1365 Fixed sidebar doesn't update .tomi

In Deluge 1.3.0, when checking/unchecking "Show Zero Hits" or "Show Trackers", adding or changing torrents' state doesn't update the sidebar.

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