Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (508 - 510 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1012 Fixed Add gzip decoding support to httpdownloader John Garland John Garland

Would fix issue here: Saves bandwidth when downloading larger files.

#1014 Fixed autoadd feature should verify that autoadd location is directory andar craSH

The autoadd code currently only checks to see if the autoadd location exists, not that it is a directory - if it exists and is a file, it will raise an exception rather than being handled properly.

In 'deluge/core/':

 70         # Check the auto add folder for new torrents to add
 71         if not os.path.exists(self.config["autoadd_location"]):

os.path.exists should simply be os.path.isdir, which will behave the same as .exists but will return false if the argument is not a directory.

#1016 Fixed deluged settings appear to revert to defaults randomly andar craSH

I'm noticing that autoadd_enable is randomly getting set to False while deluged is running, and sometimes other settings seem to revert to their default state as well.

Running svn/5767, primarily using deluge-web but also deluge-console to inspect settings.

Running 'echo -e 'config --set autoadd_enable False\nconfig --set autoadd_enable True\nquit' | deluge-console' via cron is an ugly workaround that allows me to keep using the autoadd feature :)

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