Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (508 - 510 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2064 Fixed Crushed window Calum toniboni88

in the torrent creation window, the pane that lists the files or folders, the default is crushed, as in the image attached.

If you widen the window you can see everything correctly. When the close and reopen again but always crushed.

I've Ubuntu Server 11.04, with Deluge 1.3.4 and libtorrent 0.15.9

#404 Fixed Cursor should not appear in some tabs. andar helios91940

Hi! Cursors in statistics and details tabs should not be available. I think it's a bit ugly. Thank you for your great job! (and forgive me for my bad english)

#2123 WontFix Custom destination path should add without "move on complete" BugMeNot

When a torrent is manually added, and the user types in a custom destination path, it makes no sense to tick the "Options - Move Completed" box in the torrent's options.

Example: Preferences - Default download path: ~/Downloads/incoming/, Move completed downloads to: ~/Downloads/complete/

Now the user adds a torrent, and the target path field of course defaults to ~/Downloads/incoming/, but the user instead types /storage/ and adds it like that.

The user has made the choice of where they want the file. Therefore, the "Options - Move Completed" box for that torrent should not be ticked, since the user obviously knows where they want the file to be placed.

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