Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (511 - 513 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1366 WontFix Default download path kosmik

By default download path is /root, or /home/user.

What about path = /path_to/directory_with/opened_torrent_file ???

#1368 Duplicate Move to trash or optional confirmation dialog when removing data SpinUp

It would be great if Duluge could use the trash if it's available when 'remove with data' is used. This could be specified as an option in the preferences (ie. 'Use trash when removing data'). There is a trash-cli tool that supports the specification, and may be helpful in implementing this:

Alternately, maybe the 'remove torrent' item in the contextual menu could be split into two items: a regular 'remove torrent' item that requires no confirmation, and a 'remove with data' item that prompts the user to confirm before deleting data.

This is to prevent boneheads like me from deleting many gigs of data with a single errant click when they only meant to remove the torrent.

#1371 Invalid List of torrents empty for Deluge via distant deluged magnetik

I've deluged 1.3.0 installed on a ubuntu 9.10.

I want to access from a distant network. Deluge UI is on Windows 7.

The connection is OK, but the list of torrents is empty ; even if I clic on "All (176)" or other states.

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