Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (511 - 513 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#945 Fixed Bandwidth limit not applied to DHT/Peer Exchange andar

Overall bandwidth limit is not applied to DHT/Peer Exchange (udp packets). With no active torrents, bandwidth for DHT/Peer Exchange is over 100kpbs -- far in excess of the chosen overall limit of 20kpbs set in options. Connection becomes unusable unless DHT and Peer Exchange are disabled.

These posts seem to indicate the same issue with no resolution other than to disable the DHT and Peer Exchange features or UDP port forwarding:

#947 Adding a torrent file that already exists in the Torrent file storage folder creates a copy andar

If you add a torrent file that is already inside the folder used for storing copies of .torrent files, it makes a new copy of the torrent based off of the Torrent's name (instead of filename) since the filename is already taken.

I think if the filename is taken, Deluge should check to see if the torrent being added is the same filename (or see if the files have the same contents), and if true, don't make a new file in the .torrents folder.

Normally you wouldn't need to add torrents from the .torrent folder, but if you remove a torrent from Deluge and re-add it, you can run into this.

#949 Fixed 1.1.8' GtkUI cannot parse one torrent but 1.1.7's GtkUI can do it. andar ankouslash

Deluge 1.1.8 GtkUI cannot parse attached torrent (Nothing displayed in Add torrents dialog) but 1.1.7 can do it.

Platform: Linux python-cahrdet version 1.0.1

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