Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (511 - 513 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2107 Fixed Patch for to call correct version of python bwrsandman

Overview: When creates, it calls python. In some distros with both python 2 and python 3 installed, Python 2 is called with python2.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Have python 3 installed as the default python command.
  • Run with python 2

Unpatched result:

  • Script calls the wrong version of python and crashes when running

Patched result:

  • Script calls python from the same path as

Platform, Build: Arch linux x86_64 python 3.2.3 python2 2.7.3

Additional info: I have included a patch.

#1263 Fixed Deluge does not remember column width C1eDoDe1

Deluge does not remember column width. And I should resize width of some columns every time I run Deluge. Kind of annoying.

#242 WorksForMe multiple file select doesn't work under windows markybob cabal_ro

Multiple file select doesn't work under windows xp, ctrl + shift + up/down or end/home doesn't do anything. Only ctrl and left mouse click selects parts of torrents. I've tried it on different systems both new and old, amd and intel so this shouldn't be hardware related, only windows seems to be the problem. It's quite annoying if u have a big torrent pack with 25 GB and you just need 2 or 3 movies out of it, clicking on every archive. Please someone have mercy on us windows users :)

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