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Results (511 - 513 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#807 Duplicate Customized file names are reset when Deluge is closed and re-opened andar Legoguy

Version 1.1.3/1.1.2 Refer to a few posts down in the forum thread:

I added a bunch of torrents with 1.1.2, in a paused state, then changed all the names of the root folder in the Files tab to / (so that I could seed the torrents I had downloaded with µtorrent, which behaves differently with regards to folder names). Once I did this, I forced re-checking on all of them, and resumed them so they would seed. All was well, then I upgraded to 1.1.3. Upon loading 1.1.3, all of the torrent's folders had been reset to what they were before I renamed them. I renamed most of them to / again, but some of them refused to change the folder name. I restarted Deluge and found that once again everything had lost my folder changes and I still can't rename some of them.

#2895 Fixed Daemon deadlocks on start-up/shutdown when using SSL trackers Animazing

Hi guys,

I have been trying to diagnose a problem happening over multiple Deluge and Libtorrent versions but I'm getting stuck and could use some pointers.

Since a week or so I have multiple Deluge instances locking up on multiple servers (all Ubuntu 14.04) when the clients are using SSL trackers. It will either get stuck during boot or during shutdown. I could only replicate it with more then 3 torrents, with just one or two nothing happened.

sed-ing all the https announce urls to http solves it.

This happens on Deluge 1.3.6 to 1.3.13 and libtorrent 0.16.x to 1.0.1. Since it happens on almost every combination possible I'm assuming there is something else on my servers interfering with the normal operation. I did notice an unattended upgrade for openssl but even when downgrading the problems kept happening.

Any hints as to how to debug this further would be greatly welcomed.

#1027 WorksForMe daemon fails to start if label plugin enabled andar MCMisenar

If the label plugin is enabled, the deluged daemon fails to start.

Using Deluge 1.1.9 on Gentoo Linux for both client and server, which are on different computers.

I get the following errors: ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available Fatal Python error: PyImport_GetModuleDict: no module dictionary!

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