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Results (517 - 519 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2448 Fixed Resume data is saved individually for all torrents on startup m!nus

On startup, after all torrents have been loaded, Deluge will start re-saving resume data, for each torrent individually. With 800 torrents this makes Deluge unresponsive for 2 minutes for me.

This is caused by all torrents getting paused and unpaused, or at least the respective alerts being emitted. Deluge saves resume data in on_alert_torrent_paused.

The proper way to fix this should be to prevent those alerts.

#2447 Invalid Ubuntu, loses data, starts downloading 100% files upon system reboot. seanMH-6

Deluge-1.3.6 libtorrent- ubuntu-14.04 steps to reproduce bug: reboot of system. quitting and restarting deluge works as intended. installation type: believe installer, downloaded from Ubuntu software center. hardware: writes to 4TB data drive, partitioned to around 2TB each, format NTFS

After a reboot, I will start deluge to find it begins downloading all the data I already have. Most of the time, just a select all and force recheck does the trick. There are no error messages, and it remembers the directory each time. I have 93 torrents running, some torrents as large as 200 GB

I would like to note a couple things, -I am no linux guru, and I understand this error very well may be my own, I just cannot find an answer online. -New computer build and builder, so I wouldn't rule out anything hardware. Ubuntu seems to be running as intended but I can't get windows to install on my system.

Please let me know any information I can provide to help solve this. Thanks - Sean

p.s. I didn't know what I should classify this priority as, for me It is a major problem, but I think for the general public minor is the correct classification. -

#2446 Invalid Windows 7 Maximise issue Gmart

I just updated from 1.3.5 to 1.3.6, in the hope that this bug would be fixed - I am unable to maximise Deluge - it starts and is running, but is very difficult to get into - if one goes to show deluge then it says that it is showing it through the tick, but it is not, one can add new torrents but not check to see if they are downloading

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