Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (520 - 522 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1383 Invalid disable progress bar for non-downloading files daenney

When using selective downloading and compact allocation is not used sometimes it seems as though deluge is still downloading files it's told not to download when pieces are shared between files.

This gets confusing for the end-user so I'd like to suggest that in such cases we disable the progress bar of those items that are set to 'Do not download'.

#1385 Duplicate Doesnt save the size of configure-window. soupault

After restarting Deluge, config-window's size becomes default. Its very annoying.

#1387 Duplicate Issue #1373 still not fixed in 1.3.1 Oleg

Hi All. Thank's for your work!

Today I've upgraded to 1.3.1 version. But mu bug #1373 seems not to be fixed - my Deluge does not move files to Cyrillic folder. Just nothing happens. But in latin folders it moves fine.

Deluge client (windows 7) and core are both 1.3.1 version. OS: Ubuntu Server 10.04


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