Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (520 - 522 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#590 Fixed daemon stop/start/restart from webui. mvoncken mvoncken
#1490 Fixed Daemon uses 4% cpu when idle tes

When running deluged, all torrents inactive and no interface connected, the daemon uses 4% cpu on my system (Atom N270).

I'm attaching deluged.profile. I've verified using netstat that no connections are open.

#1066 Invalid Daemon won't bind incoming ports if listen_interface is defined andar mariusk

Machine with public IP on eth0 and tested without firewall. Incoming range: 52000:52049 Outgoing range: 52050:52100

GTK UI says "active port: 0" no matter what I fill in the fields. netstat -ap shows only connections > 52049. I am both seeding and downloading.

Ubuntu 9.10 with deluge ppa, same problem in 9.04 and at least present since 1.2.0rc1. May have been in earlier versions without me noticing.

Attached startup debug log with torrents and IP removed.

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