Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (523 - 525 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2435 Fixed Edit Tracker dialog only relies on current selection to modify an entry eeppeliteloop

When editing a single tracker (in the Edit Trackers dialog), the tracker to be modified is the current selection. However it is possible to modify this selection in background since the Edit Tracker dialog (with a single text entry) is not modal. Here are possible bugs:

  1. select an existing tracker
  2. click on Edit
  3. behind the Edit Tracker dialog, select another tracker entry
  4. click on OK in the Edit Tracker dialog

The current selected tracker is modified, not the original one.

More important bug:

  1. select an existing tracker
  2. click on Edit
  3. behind the Edit Tracker dialog, remove all tracker entries so there's no current selection
  4. click on OK in the Edit Tracker dialog

You get:

TypeError: iter must be a GtkTreeIter

So either:

  • remember the original tracker name and only modify it if it still exists in the list after pressing OK in Edit Tracker dialog; or
  • make Edit Tracker modal (easier)
#2434 Fixed Double-click on tracker entry to edit it eeppeliteloop

In the Edit trackers dialog, make double-clicking on a tracker item show the edit dialog. Currently, the only way to edit a tracker is to select it and then click on the Edit button.

Link to commit:

#2431 Fixed deluged doesn't shutdown cleanly with hundreds of torrents rsully

This happened once a couple months ago, and again today.

Issuing a pkill deluged does not shutdown deluged. Instead I get a log message like so:

[INFO    ] 11:39:25 daemon:187 Waiting for components to shutdown..

This is after a few weeks of deluged running non-stop, with hundreds of files.

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