Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (526 - 528 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#535 Fixed Gtk GUI does not remember list columns position and size markybob

Just open deluge gtk gui, change a column position, or its size, then close the ui and start it again. I expected the column to be as i left it, not in its default position again.

It also would be nice to have an option to control which columns are visible.

#536 Fixed 403 error when trying to download windows 32 version andar anonymous
#537 WorksForMe pb on screen preference andar les.subilleau

i have installed the Deluge 1.0.1 version 32 bits Windows os and when i access to the preference screen, all options are disabled. I can't choose my own port. With the old version, i haven't encounter this problem. Pending, i keep my old version

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