Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (526 - 528 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#966 Fixed Deluge doesn't create or rewrite some config files andar Zarbis

0) run deluge, exit

1) go to ~/.config/deluge, move/rename/delete for example torrentview.state

2) run deluge, adjust coloumns width to change torrentview defaults, exit deluge

==>> no torrentview.state created

==>> default coloumns width on next startup

#968 WorksForMe Sidebar active tab not workin andar kaali

When u press active tab.. It'll show active torrents for like 1 second. Then it'll show all torrents again.

Inactive tab would be nice to see too

#969 WontFix Full allocation allocates for files not selected to download andar

When using full allocation with torrents that have multiple files. If I only select to download one file (all others set to "do not download"), it still allocates for the close by torrents in the file segments. I understand it is because segments can overlapp the files, but should deluge really allocate for the entire close by file?


  • File 1 (1 GB)
  • File 2 (1 GB)

If only downloading "File 2" which is 1 GB, deluge allocates for both the files but only downloads maybe 0,58% of "File 1".

This means that for each torrent where I download 1 GB of 2 GB the usage on disk requires it to have 2 GB.

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.