Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (526 - 528 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1046 Fixed Auto managed setting does not get set from the WebUI Damien Churchill RichGuk

The auto managed option in the WebUI is not getting update correctly.

It appears that in set_options the function for setting the auto managed setting should have the key is_auto_managed and not auto_managed.

I've attached a patch.

#1047 Fixed 'Move Completed' does not work if saving to non default path andar Chase

The move completed function does not work if you are saving your torrent to a folder other than your default save folder set in the configuration. I have located the issue in the code, it seems there is an explicit check for this (line 788.) lines 785-789:

if torrent.options["move_completed"] and total_download:
    move_path = torrent.options["move_completed_path"]
    if torrent.options["download_location"] != move_path and \
       torrent.options["download_location"] == self.config["download_location"]:
#1048 Fixed Option to temporarily suspend all bandwidth activity. andar madman

Although there is an option to "Pause All" and "Resume All", it would be nice to have a feature that basically suspends all network activity (of course with an option to re-enable it).

What I mean is this: Upon realizing that several (active) torrents are not pulling in any data, the user pauses them to allow other (inactive) torrents to begin to try to pull in data. Using the Pause/Resume *All* feature doesn't take this custom selection into account, so the user must fiddle with the list again (and again...) to reselect his/her previous settings.

I propose a "Pause/Resume Smart" feature that will remember exactly what files were downloading/seeding at the time it was selected.

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