Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (529 - 531 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#531 Fixed DEBUG logging should not be the default andar

deluge start with logging in debug mode enabled, and with the output set to console. This is bad because stdout and stderr output are redirected to .xsession-errors by default when you lunch deluge from the desktop (from the menu, a desktop icon, downloading a .torrent, etc).

The logger should only report messages of level ERROR or higher by default, and should be an option to change this from the command line.

#1788 Fixed Default download folder should be set to ~/Downloads Calum

Originally reported at:

Binary package hint: deluge

By default, the download folder of deluge is set to the home of the user. Starting with Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala, a "Downloads" folder was created, and is used by Firefox for example. I think the default configuration of the deluge package should have the default download folder set to ~/Downloads.

#1366 WontFix Default download path kosmik

By default download path is /root, or /home/user.

What about path = /path_to/directory_with/opened_torrent_file ???

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