Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (532 - 534 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#975 WorksForMe Deluge version in "About" still at 1.1.6 andar r3fuG4d0

I've updated Deluge from deluge jaunty repositories to version 1.1.9-2 but it still says in "About" that I'm using version 1.1.6 :)

#977 WontFix Unwanted files and directories are kept andar anonymous

When specifying only certain files to download, multiple unwanted files and directories remain. I understand that sometimes torrent pieces are split between two files. However, when the download is completed, unwanted files and directories should be removed.

#980 Fixed [r5427] Deluge does not exit properly andar

When exiting deluge the program hangs and does not quit like it should. For example the GTK window is still running. This has worked fine previously.

I have removed the .config/deluge directory, started, exited (then killed) and started again.

Hopefully the uploaded log can solve why deluge don't want to quit.

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