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Results (52 - 54 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#2866 Fixed Non-functional "Resume All" taskbar menu item after v1.3.13 update authorized_user

Hello and thank you for all the hard work and effort invested into creating and maintaining Deluge, it's appreciated.

After updating Deluge from v1.3.12 to v1.3.13, the "Resume All" taskbar icon menu item is non-functional; this menu item is very useful, especially when the "Add all torrents in paused state" option is active. Curiously, "Resume All" does work on torrents after they've been directly started -- but -- any torrent not directly started will not be included in the "Resume All" selection.

The "Pause All" taskbar icon menu option seems to work, but that may only be because I choose to "add all torrents in a paused state", so naturally, I would only pause a torrent again after it had already been directly started. So "Pause All" may seem to work only after it falls within the workaround described above to get the "Resume All" function to work.

Please advise, thank you.

$ grep deluge /var/log/dnf.log
Jul 28 21:48:42 DEBUG ---> Package deluge.noarch 1.3.12-3.fc23 will be upgraded
Jul 28 21:48:42 DEBUG ---> Package deluge.noarch 1.3.13-1.fc23 will be an upgrade
#2868 WorksForMe OSX sound notification is still greyed out tricia

Under Settings and UI Notifications, Popups enabled and Sound enabled are greyed out. The Sound Customization tab is also greyed out.

Still not fixed after the 1.3.13 update

#2871 Duplicate Renamed some of the folders I download to. Could not change download target and resume. Changed folder names back. Now almost all torrents have errors William

The headline says the most. I was reorganizing my download folders by changing their names. I expected that changing the download path in deluge-web would help, and it seemed to do that, but when I checked the "checking" queue, nothing was moving around at all. Then I stopped the deluge service, changed the folder names back to their original names, and now almost all torrents are failing without any help from changing download directory or re-checking the torrents. It's simply stuck at 0% all the time now.

I have made sure the permissions are correct, both owner and group (deluge) can write and read to the relevant folders.

Please, how can I fix this?

Or maybe this is the last nudge over to rtorrent...

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