Custom Query (2447 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 2447)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1030 Invalid Creates files in UTF-8 only andar wRAR

As far as I can see, filenames are stored in utf8 internally (strange decision: unicode strings should be used for internal handling) and when it comes to working with on-disk files, they are created in utf-8, no matter what locale and FS encoding is really used.

#2311 Duplicate remember & select server download location from gtkui wouterw

hi Everyone,

Thank you for creating this great software!

I'm running the server on my ubuntu box and the GTK client on my windows machine.

I have a small feature request:

Everytime i download a new torrent I have to re-type the download location (server path). When downloading lots of torrents this gets quite tedious and its a little error prone too.

As a software developer i'm wondering how difficult it would be to let the client remember the last few download locations and allow me to select one.

I would be more then happy to help implement this feature.

Kind regards,


#2286 Duplicate Add "Trackers" tab to gtkui and webui. Jacob

I really enjoy using deluge gtkui at home and the webui on my server.

But since deluge supports multiple trackers now, I was thinking it would be nice if they had their own tab like in other popular bittorrent clients. Maybe have details about the tracker in said tab, like: announce status, time until next announce, seeds/peers scraped from the tracker. Perhaps move the adding/removing trackers feature from the Options tab into this new tab too.

Would this be a possibility for a future release?

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